Payroll Overview

The Navigator | Payroll function within HR3pay is the central point from which all payroll tasks can be completed. The Payroll menu has several options:

  • Employee from which you are able to complete tasks related directly to individual employee files such as adding or finding an employee, editing or splitting a leave request and creating a PAYG declaration file.
  • Payrun from which you can access all the functions needed to complete a payroll, including the Payrun Wizard.
  • Electronic Banking - This provides details on processing additional bank transactions for items such as Social Club or Child Support payments.
  • Taxation - This provides three options to maintain tax scales, State Taxes, and Rebates.
  • Payroll Framework - The topics within Payroll Framework are the building blocks of your company's setup. The menu items provide an alternative location to access the associated details, such as Cost Centres, Employment Conditions, and Superannuation Funds.
  • Year End - this section provides access to the steps for closing one financial year and opening the next. Instructions for this are not included within the User Guide or the Help files - you will find the PDF of the last version of the Year End guide in C:\Program Files\HR3\Documents. Each year the updated version of the Year End guide is made available prior to End of Financial Year.
  • General Ledger enables you to export selected payroll amounts to the General Ledger.